
MongoDB was founded in 2007 by Dwight Merriman, Eliot Horowitz and Kevin Ryan – the team behind DoubleClick.

At the Internet advertising company DoubleClick (now owned by Google), the team developed and used many custom data stores to work around the shortcomings of existing databases. The business served 400,000 ads per second, but often struggled with both scalability and agility. Frustrated, the team was inspired to create a database that tackled the challenges it faced at DoubleClick.

This was when MongoDB was born.

1. MongoDB产品矩阵


  • Atlas
  • Enterprise Advanced
  • Community Edition
  • Realm


1) Atlas

MongoDB Atlas是由公司创始团队所开发的一款多云数据库服务(multi-cloud database service)。当我们需要在(不同供应商的)云服务器上构建弹性、高效的全球应用时,Atlas可以帮助我们简化数据库的部署和管理。如下图所示:


More: https://docs.atlas.mongodb.com/

2) Enterprise Advanced


  • Database Management

在数据库管理方面,提供了相应的管理工具来简化MongoDB数据库的运维。主要包括: Automation、Monitoring、Optimization、Backups等

  • Data and Business Protection

提供先进的访问控制(access control)和数据安全特性来保护数据库。可以很容易的将已存在的安全设施、工具等与MongoDB继承。主要包括: Auditing、Encryption、Authentication、Commercial License

  • Support and Services


3) Community Edition

MongoDB社区版分布式数据库实现了灵活的文档数据模型(document date model),并支持ad-hoc查询、二级索引、实时聚合等功能,从而为数据的访问与分析提供有力的支撑。

4) Realm

MongoDB Realm是一个开发平台,主要用于支持现代数据驱动的应用程序。可以使用Realm来构建mobile、web、desktop、以及IOT应用。

2. MongoDB介绍

欢迎使用MongoDB 5.0手册!MongoDB是一个文档数据库,旨在简化开发和扩展(scaling)。手册(manual)会介绍MongoDB关键概念(key concepts)、查询语言,并提供MongoDB操作及管理上的一些思考与流程。


  • 对于本地部署(locally hosted deployments), MongoDB又分为社区版企业版
    • MongoDB社区版是开源并免费使用的版本
    • MongoDB企业版作为MongoDB Enterprise Advanced订阅的一部分提供,并对MongoDB的部署提供全面的支持。此外,MongoDB企业版也增加了一些特性的支持,比如LDAP以及Kerberos支持、磁盘加密和审计。
  • MongoDB Atlas是云中托管的 MongoDB Enterprise 服务选项,无需安装开销,并提供免费层级来开始使用。

2.1 文档数据库(Document Database)

在MongoDB中一条记录(record)就是一个文档(document),其是由field/value对所组成的一个数据结构。MongoDB documents与JSON Objects类似。values字段可以为其他documents、arrays或arrays of documents。如下所示:



  • 在许多编程语言中,documents对应于原生数据类型(native data types)

  • 内嵌documents和数组可以降低昂贵连接(join)的需求

  • 动态schema可以更好的支持多种形态

1) 集合/视图/按需实例化视图


  • Read-only Views(Staring in MongoDB 3.4)

  • On-Demand Materialized Views (Starting in MongoDB 4.2)

2.2 Key Features

1) High Performance¶


  • 支持内嵌数据模型以降低数据库系统IO活动

  • 通过索引实现高效的数据查询,并且索引的keys可以来自于内嵌documents与arrays

2) Rich Query Language

MongoDB提供了丰富的查询语言(query language)以支持读写操作(CRUD),另外还支持如下:

注:请参看如下 SQL to MongoDB Mapping Chart SQL to Aggregation Mapping Chart

3) High Availability

MongoDB中实现的复制设施,称为replica set,实现了:

  • automatic failover

  • data redundancy

一个replica set是一组维护相同数据集的MongoDB服务器,提供数据冗余,并增强数据的可用性。

4) Horizontal Scalability


  • 通过Sharding方式将数据存放到集群中

  • 从3.4版本开始,MongoDB支持基于shard key的方式来创建zone。在一个平衡的集群中,MongoDB将zone所覆盖的读取和写入操作仅定向到zone中对应的分片。

5) Support for Multiple Storage Engines



3. Getting Started

在本节我们会介绍向MongoDB中插入数据以及查询数据。可以使用MongoDB Web Shell控制台来进行实验,暂时无需安装MongoDB。

1) Switch Database

当我们连接上MongoDB Web Shell控制台后,默认会有一个当前数据库。输入db命令就可以显示当前数据库:

>>> db 


如果想要切换到其他数据库,可以使用use <db>命令来进行切换。例如,切换到examples数据库:

>>> use examples 
switched to db examples 


为了检验我们确实切换到了examples数据库,我们可以在MongoDB Web Shell控制台继续输入db命令:

>>> db 

2) Populate a Collection (Insert)


下面的例子使用db.collection.insertMany()方法插入新的documents到movies集合中。你可以拷贝如下示例到MongoDB Web Shell:

>>> use examples 
switched to db examples 
>>> db.movies.insertMany([
      title: 'Titanic',
      year: 1997,
      genres: [ 'Drama', 'Romance' ],
      rated: 'PG-13',
      languages: [ 'English', 'French', 'German', 'Swedish', 'Italian', 'Russian' ],
      released: ISODate("1997-12-19T00:00:00.000Z"),
      awards: {
         wins: 127,
         nominations: 63,
         text: 'Won 11 Oscars. Another 116 wins & 63 nominations.'
      cast: [ 'Leonardo DiCaprio', 'Kate Winslet', 'Billy Zane', 'Kathy Bates' ],
      directors: [ 'James Cameron' ]
      title: 'The Dark Knight',
      year: 2008,
      genres: [ 'Action', 'Crime', 'Drama' ],
      rated: 'PG-13',
      languages: [ 'English', 'Mandarin' ],
      released: ISODate("2008-07-18T00:00:00.000Z"),
      awards: {
         wins: 144,
         nominations: 106,
         text: 'Won 2 Oscars. Another 142 wins & 106 nominations.'
      cast: [ 'Christian Bale', 'Heath Ledger', 'Aaron Eckhart', 'Michael Caine' ],
      directors: [ 'Christopher Nolan' ]
      title: 'Spirited Away',
      year: 2001,
      genres: [ 'Animation', 'Adventure', 'Family' ],
      rated: 'PG',
      languages: [ 'Japanese' ],
      released: ISODate("2003-03-28T00:00:00.000Z"),
      awards: {
         wins: 52,
         nominations: 22,
         text: 'Won 1 Oscar. Another 51 wins & 22 nominations.'
      cast: [ 'Rumi Hiiragi', 'Miyu Irino', 'Mari Natsuki', 'Takashi Naitè' ],
      directors: [ 'Hayao Miyazaki' ]
      title: 'Casablanca',
      genres: [ 'Drama', 'Romance', 'War' ],
      rated: 'PG',
      cast: [ 'Humphrey Bogart', 'Ingrid Bergman', 'Paul Henreid', 'Claude Rains' ],
      languages: [ 'English', 'French', 'German', 'Italian' ],
      released: ISODate("1943-01-23T00:00:00.000Z"),
      directors: [ 'Michael Curtiz' ],
      awards: {
         wins: 9,
         nominations: 6,
         text: 'Won 3 Oscars. Another 6 wins & 6 nominations.'
      lastupdated: '2015-09-04 00:22:54.600000000',
      year: 1942
  acknowledged: true,
    '0': ObjectId("61d11d5c168ab70a91d75c6b"),
	'1': ObjectId("61d11d5c168ab70a91d75c6c"),
	'2': ObjectId("61d11d5c168ab70a91d75c6d"),
	'3': ObjectId("61d11d5c168ab70a91d75c6e")


3) Select All Documents

要从一个collection中查询documents,我们可以使用 db.collection.find()方法。要查询collection中的所有documents,可以传递一个empty document作为查询过滤条件.

查询过滤条件,请参看query filter document

MongoDB Web Shell中,输入如下命令查询上面步骤2)所插入到movies这个collection中的数据:

>>> db.movies.find( { } )
      _id: ObjectId("61d11d5c168ab70a91d75c6b"),
      title: 'Titanic',
      year: 1997,
      genres: [ 'Drama', 'Romance' ],
      rated: 'PG-13',
      languages: [ 'English', 'French', 'German', 'Swedish', 'Italian', 'Russian' ],
      released: ISODate("1997-12-19T00:00:00.000Z"),
      awards: {
         wins: 127,
         nominations: 63,
         text: 'Won 11 Oscars. Another 116 wins & 63 nominations.'
      cast: [ 
        'Leonardo DiCaprio',
        'Kate Winslet',
        'Billy Zane', 
        'Kathy Bates' 
      directors: [ 'James Cameron' ]
      _id: ObjectId("61d11d5c168ab70a91d75c6c"),
      title: 'The Dark Knight',
      year: 2008,
      genres: [ 'Action', 'Crime', 'Drama' ],
      rated: 'PG-13',
      languages: [ 'English', 'Mandarin' ],
      released: ISODate("2008-07-18T00:00:00.000Z"),
      awards: {
         wins: 144,
         nominations: 106,
         text: 'Won 2 Oscars. Another 142 wins & 106 nominations.'
      cast: [ 
        'Christian Bale', 
        'Heath Ledger',
        'Aaron Eckhart', 
        'Michael Caine' 
      directors: [ 'Christopher Nolan' ]
      _id: ObjectId("61d11d5c168ab70a91d75c6d"),
      title: 'Spirited Away',
      year: 2001,
      genres: [ 'Animation', 'Adventure', 'Family' ],
      rated: 'PG',
      languages: [ 'Japanese' ],
      released: ISODate("2003-03-28T00:00:00.000Z"),
      awards: {
         wins: 52,
         nominations: 22,
         text: 'Won 1 Oscar. Another 51 wins & 22 nominations.'
      cast: [ 
        'Rumi Hiiragi',
        'Miyu Irino', 
        'Mari Natsuki',
        'Takashi Naitè' 
      directors: [ 'Hayao Miyazaki' ]
      _id: ObjectId("61d11d5c168ab70a91d75c6e"),
      title: 'Casablanca',
      genres: [ 'Drama', 'Romance', 'War' ],
      rated: 'PG',
      cast: [ 
        'Humphrey Bogart', 
        'Ingrid Bergman', 
        'Paul Henreid',
        'Claude Rains' 
      languages: [ 'English', 'French', 'German', 'Italian' ],
      released: ISODate("1943-01-23T00:00:00.000Z"),
      directors: [ 'Michael Curtiz' ],
      awards: {
         wins: 9,
         nominations: 6,
         text: 'Won 3 Oscars. Another 6 wins & 6 nominations.'
      lastupdated: '2015-09-04 00:22:54.600000000',
      year: 1942

4) Filter Data with Comparison Operators

对于相等匹配( equals ),可以向db.collection.find()方法中传入```: ```查询条件:

  • 在MongoDB Web Shell中,执行如下命令查询由Christopher Nolan所导演的movies
>>> db.movies.find( { "directors": "Christopher Nolan" } );
      _id: ObjectId("61d11d5c168ab70a91d75c6c"),
      title: 'The Dark Knight',
      year: 2008,
      genres: [ 'Action', 'Crime', 'Drama' ],
      rated: 'PG-13',
      languages: [ 'English', 'Mandarin' ],
      released: ISODate("2008-07-18T00:00:00.000Z"),
      awards: {
         wins: 144,
         nominations: 106,
         text: 'Won 2 Oscars. Another 142 wins & 106 nominations.'
      cast: [ 
        'Christian Bale', 
        'Heath Ledger',
        'Aaron Eckhart', 
        'Michael Caine' 
      directors: [ 'Christopher Nolan' ]

此外,我们也可以使用比较操作符(comparison operators)来执行更高级的查询。

  • 执行如下命令查询在2000年之前所上映的movies
>>> db.movies.find( { "released": { $lt: ISODate("2000-01-01") } } );
      _id: ObjectId("61d11d5c168ab70a91d75c6b"),
      title: 'Titanic',
      year: 1997,
      genres: [ 'Drama', 'Romance' ],
      rated: 'PG-13',
      languages: [ 'English', 'French', 'German', 'Swedish', 'Italian', 'Russian' ],
      released: ISODate("1997-12-19T00:00:00.000Z"),
      awards: {
         wins: 127,
         nominations: 63,
         text: 'Won 11 Oscars. Another 116 wins & 63 nominations.'
      cast: [ 
        'Leonardo DiCaprio',
        'Kate Winslet',
        'Billy Zane', 
        'Kathy Bates' 
      directors: [ 'James Cameron' ]
      _id: ObjectId("61d11d5c168ab70a91d75c6e"),
      title: 'Casablanca',
      genres: [ 'Drama', 'Romance', 'War' ],
      rated: 'PG',
      cast: [ 
        'Humphrey Bogart', 
        'Ingrid Bergman', 
        'Paul Henreid',
        'Claude Rains' 
      languages: [ 'English', 'French', 'German', 'Italian' ],
      released: ISODate("1943-01-23T00:00:00.000Z"),
      directors: [ 'Michael Curtiz' ],
      awards: {
         wins: 9,
         nominations: 6,
         text: 'Won 3 Oscars. Another 6 wins & 6 nominations.'
      lastupdated: '2015-09-04 00:22:54.600000000',
      year: 1942
  • 执行如下命令查询获得超过100个奖项的movies
>>> db.movies.find( { "awards.wins": { $gt: 100 } } );
      _id: ObjectId("61d11d5c168ab70a91d75c6b"),
      title: 'Titanic',
      year: 1997,
      genres: [ 'Drama', 'Romance' ],
      rated: 'PG-13',
      languages: [ 'English', 'French', 'German', 'Swedish', 'Italian', 'Russian' ],
      released: ISODate("1997-12-19T00:00:00.000Z"),
      awards: {
         wins: 127,
         nominations: 63,
         text: 'Won 11 Oscars. Another 116 wins & 63 nominations.'
      cast: [ 
        'Leonardo DiCaprio',
        'Kate Winslet',
        'Billy Zane', 
        'Kathy Bates' 
      directors: [ 'James Cameron' ]
      _id: ObjectId("61d11d5c168ab70a91d75c6c"),
      title: 'The Dark Knight',
      year: 2008,
      genres: [ 'Action', 'Crime', 'Drama' ],
      rated: 'PG-13',
      languages: [ 'English', 'Mandarin' ],
      released: ISODate("2008-07-18T00:00:00.000Z"),
      awards: {
         wins: 144,
         nominations: 106,
         text: 'Won 2 Oscars. Another 142 wins & 106 nominations.'
      cast: [ 
        'Christian Bale', 
        'Heath Ledger',
        'Aaron Eckhart', 
        'Michael Caine' 
      directors: [ 'Christopher Nolan' ]
  • 执行如下命令,查询语言为JapaneseMandarin的movies
>>> db.movies.find( { "languages": { $in: [ "Japanese", "Mandarin" ] } } )
      _id: ObjectId("61d11d5c168ab70a91d75c6c"),
      title: 'The Dark Knight',
      year: 2008,
      genres: [ 'Action', 'Crime', 'Drama' ],
      rated: 'PG-13',
      languages: [ 'English', 'Mandarin' ],
      released: ISODate("2008-07-18T00:00:00.000Z"),
      awards: {
         wins: 144,
         nominations: 106,
         text: 'Won 2 Oscars. Another 142 wins & 106 nominations.'
      cast: [ 
        'Christian Bale', 
        'Heath Ledger',
        'Aaron Eckhart', 
        'Michael Caine' 
      directors: [ 'Christopher Nolan' ]
      _id: ObjectId("61d11d5c168ab70a91d75c6d"),
      title: 'Spirited Away',
      year: 2001,
      genres: [ 'Animation', 'Adventure', 'Family' ],
      rated: 'PG',
      languages: [ 'Japanese' ],
      released: ISODate("2003-03-28T00:00:00.000Z"),
      awards: {
         wins: 52,
         nominations: 22,
         text: 'Won 1 Oscar. Another 51 wins & 22 nominations.'
      cast: [ 
        'Rumi Hiiragi',
        'Miyu Irino', 
        'Mari Natsuki',
        'Takashi Naitè' 
      directors: [ 'Hayao Miyazaki' ]

Tips: Query and Projection Operators

5) Specify Fields to Return (Projection)

我们可以通过向db.collection.find(, )方法传递```projection document```的方式来指定查询结果所要返回的字段。在```projection document```中指定:

  • <field>: 1表示需要在结果中返回对应的字段

  • <field>: 0表示在结果中不返回对应的字段

在MongoDB Web Shell中执行如下查询,返回movies集合中的idtitledirectors以及year字段:

>>> db.movies.find( { }, { "title": 1, "directors": 1, "year": 1 } );
      _id: ObjectId("61d11d5c168ab70a91d75c6b"),
      title: 'Titanic',
      year: 1997,
      directors: [ 'James Cameron' ]
      _id: ObjectId("61d11d5c168ab70a91d75c6c"),
      title: 'The Dark Knight',
      year: 2008,
      directors: [ 'Christopher Nolan' ]
      _id: ObjectId("61d11d5c168ab70a91d75c6d"),
      title: 'Spirited Away',
      year: 2001,
      directors: [ 'Hayao Miyazaki' ]
      _id: ObjectId("61d11d5c168ab70a91d75c6e"),
      title: 'Casablanca',
      directors: [ 'Michael Curtiz' ],
      year: 1942


>>> db.movies.find( { }, { "_id": 0, "title": 1, "genres": 1 } );
   { title: 'Titanic', genres: [ 'Drama', 'Romance' ] },
   { title: 'The Dark Knight', genres: [ 'Action', 'Crime', 'Drama' ] },
      title: 'Spirited Away',
      genres: [ 'Animation', 'Adventure', 'Family' ]
   { title: 'Casablanca', genres: [ 'Drama', 'Romance', 'War' ] }

6) Aggregate Data ($group)

可以使用聚集(aggregation)来对documents中的值进行分组,然后返回结果。在MongoDB中Aggregation是由aggregation pipeline

我们可以使用find()操作来获取数据,然而如果想做一些比CRUD operations更复杂的操作的话,比如manipulate data、perform calculations、write more expressive queries,我们可以使用aggregation pipeline。

在Shell中,执行如下的aggregation pipeline可以统计每一个genres值的出现次数。

>>> db.movies.aggregate( [
   { $unwind: "$genres" },
     $group: {
       _id: "$genres",
       genreCount: { $count: { } }
   { $sort: { "genreCount": -1 } }
] )
   { _id: 'Drama', genreCount: 3 },
   { _id: 'Romance', genreCount: 2 },
   { _id: 'Action', genreCount: 1 },
   { _id: 'Adventure', genreCount: 1 },
   { _id: 'Animation', genreCount: 1 },
   { _id: 'Crime', genreCount: 1 },
   { _id: 'Family', genreCount: 1 },
   { _id: 'War', genreCount: 1 }


  • $unwind为genres数组中的每一个元素输出一个document

  • $group$count累加器计算genres中元素的出现次数,次数会被存放在genreCount字段中;

  • $sort用于对输出结果根据genreCount字段按降序返回


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  9. Role-Based Access Control

  10. mongodb method