针对本地开发(local development)及测试(testing),我们可以在主机上以单机模式运行Pulsar。单机模式(standalone mode)包括Pulsar broker,必要的Zookeeper以及BookKeeper组件,并运行在同一个JVM进程中。

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MongoDB CRUD操作即创建(create)、读取(read)、更新(update)、删除(delete) documents。本文我们介绍一下这些操作,在此做个记录,以便后续查阅。

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MongoDB was founded in 2007 by Dwight Merriman, Eliot Horowitz and Kevin Ryan – the team behind DoubleClick.

At the Internet advertising company DoubleClick (now owned by Google), the team developed and used many custom data stores to work around the shortcomings of existing databases. The business served 400,000 ads per second, but often struggled with both scalability and agility. Frustrated, the team was inspired to create a database that tackled the challenges it faced at DoubleClick.

This was when MongoDB was born.

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使用go test进行测试,没有修改测试代码的情况下, 重复多次测试,发现测试结果没有变化。如在外部修改了数据库,但是在go test查询mysql却显示之前的查询结果。参看:

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mac安装 homeBrew时报错,显示:curl: (7) Failed to connect to raw.githubusercontent.com port 443: Connection refused 

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