
C:\Users\Administrator>echo %GOPATH%

C:\Users\Administrator>go version
go version go1.8 windows/amd64

C:\Users\Administrator>echo %GOARCH%


1. Golang之helloworld


package main

import "fmt"

func main(){


E:\Workspace\go>go run src/helloworld/helloworld.go


E:\Workspace\go>go build src/helloworld/helloworld.go


上述代码中,package main比较特殊,其用于定义一个可单独执行的程序,而不是一个lib库。在package main中的main()函数用于定义可执行程序的入口点。

1.1 go get命令获取远程代码

我们可以使用go get命令来从远程下载golang源代码到%GOPATH%/src目录下。例如:

# go get gopl.io/ch1/helloworld

1.2 golang语法说明


func main(){
	fmt.Printf("First Line\n"); fmt.Printf("Second Line\n")

事实上,处于语句声明末尾的newlines都会被转换成semicolons,因此newlines所在的位置会影响到Golang代码的解析。例如,一个函数的左括号{必须与该函数处于同一行; 而对于表达式x+ynewlines只能出现在+号后面。

1.3 go doc命令

我们可以使用go doc命令来查看go标准库中某个函数或全局变量的帮助信息。例如:

E:\Workspace\go>go doc os.Args
var Args []string
    Args hold the command-line arguments, starting with the program name.

E:\Workspace\go>go doc fmt.Printf
func Printf(format string, a ...interface{}) (n int, err error)
    Printf formats according to a format specifier and writes to standard
    output. It returns the number of bytes written and any write error

2. Program Structure


2.1 Names


break     default       func    interface    select
case      defer         go      map          struct
chan      else          goto    package      switch
const     fallthrough   if      range        type
continue  for           import  return       var


Constants:  true  false  iota  nil

Types:      int  int8  int16  int32  int64
            uint  uint8  uint16  uint32  uint64  uintptr
            float32  float64  complex128  complex64
            bool  byte  rune  string  error

Functions:  make  len  cap  new  append  copy  close  delete
            complex  real  imag
            panic  recover

3. 基本数据类型


  • basic types: 如numbers、strings、booleans等类型

  • aggregate types: 如arrays、structs、slices、maps等类型

  • reference types: 如pointers、slices、maps、functions、channels

  • interface types

说明:与C语言相比,在golang中有一个新的运算符&^(bit clear),用于清除某一个bit位。另外,对于^运算符,若作为双目运算符时,其表示按位异或; 若作为单目运算符时,其表示按位取反。

4. Composite Types

本节我们会介绍arrays、structs、slices、maps这4种复合类型。在Golang中,array类型并不是一种reference类型, slice也不纯粹是一个reference类型,因为当其长度发生改变时,可能会指向一个新的内存空间。

4.1 arrays

1) 数组的定义

1. 直接定义并默认初始化为0
var a [3]int

2. 直接定义,并赋值
var a [20]int = [20]int{1,2,3}
b := [...]int{1,2,3}

4.2 slice类型

slice与array类型紧密关联。slice类型的写法为[]Type,其由3个组件所组成: pointer、length、capacity。 我们不能够像array那样通过==来比较两个slice是否相同,而是需要我们自己遍历来进行比较,例如:

func equal(x,y []string) bool{

	if len(x) != len(y){
		return false;

	for i, _ := range x{

		if x[i] != y[i]{
			return false;

	return true;


if summer == nil{ /* ... */ }

这里需要指出的是,对于一个slice,若其为nil,那么len(slice)为0,cap(slice)也为0; 但是len(slice)为0且cap(slice)也为0的slice并不一定为nil, 比如[]int{}make([]int,3)[3:]。对于为nil的slice,其实质是没有指向一个有效的地址空间。例如:

var s []int         // len(s) == 0, s == nil

s = nil             // len(s) == 0, s == nil

s = []int(nil)      // len(s) == 0, s == nil

s = []int{}         // len(s) == 0, s != nil


1) slice的创建

1. 直接定义
var a []int

2. 直接定义并初始化
var a []int = {1,2,3}

3. 通过make来创建
var a []int = make([]int,3)       //len(a) = cap(a) = 3
var b []int = make([]int,3, 9)    //len(b) = 3, cap(b) = 9

4. 基于数组来创建
var a [5]int
var slice_b []int = a[:]

5. 通过强制装换来创建
var s []int = []int(nil)
var runes []rune = []rune("Hello,世界")

5. 反射(Reflection)

5.1 Reflect.Type and Reflect.Value

Reflection是由reflect包所提供,在其中定义了两个重要的类型。其中Type代表着Go type,其是一个interface,拥有很多method用于辨识Type:

// Type is the representation of a Go type.
// Not all methods apply to all kinds of types. Restrictions,
// if any, are noted in the documentation for each method.
// Use the Kind method to find out the kind of type before
// calling kind-specific methods. Calling a method
// inappropriate to the kind of type causes a run-time panic.
// Type values are comparable, such as with the == operator.
// Two Type values are equal if they represent identical types.
type Type interface {
	// Methods applicable to all types.

	// Align returns the alignment in bytes of a value of
	// this type when allocated in memory.
	Align() int

	// FieldAlign returns the alignment in bytes of a value of
	// this type when used as a field in a struct.
	FieldAlign() int

	// Method returns the i'th method in the type's method set.
	// It panics if i is not in the range [0, NumMethod()).
	// For a non-interface type T or *T, the returned Method's Type and Func
	// fields describe a function whose first argument is the receiver.
	// For an interface type, the returned Method's Type field gives the
	// method signature, without a receiver, and the Func field is nil.
	Method(int) Method

	// MethodByName returns the method with that name in the type's
	// method set and a boolean indicating if the method was found.
	// For a non-interface type T or *T, the returned Method's Type and Func
	// fields describe a function whose first argument is the receiver.
	// For an interface type, the returned Method's Type field gives the
	// method signature, without a receiver, and the Func field is nil.
	MethodByName(string) (Method, bool)

	// NumMethod returns the number of exported methods in the type's method set.
	NumMethod() int

	// Name returns the type's name within its package.
	// It returns an empty string for unnamed types.
	Name() string

	// PkgPath returns a named type's package path, that is, the import path
	// that uniquely identifies the package, such as "encoding/base64".
	// If the type was predeclared (string, error) or unnamed (*T, struct{}, []int),
	// the package path will be the empty string.
	PkgPath() string

	// Size returns the number of bytes needed to store
	// a value of the given type; it is analogous to unsafe.Sizeof.
	Size() uintptr

	// String returns a string representation of the type.
	// The string representation may use shortened package names
	// (e.g., base64 instead of "encoding/base64") and is not
	// guaranteed to be unique among types. To test for type identity,
	// compare the Types directly.
	String() string

	// Kind returns the specific kind of this type.
	Kind() Kind

	// Implements reports whether the type implements the interface type u.
	Implements(u Type) bool

	// AssignableTo reports whether a value of the type is assignable to type u.
	AssignableTo(u Type) bool

	// ConvertibleTo reports whether a value of the type is convertible to type u.
	ConvertibleTo(u Type) bool

	// Comparable reports whether values of this type are comparable.
	Comparable() bool

	// Methods applicable only to some types, depending on Kind.
	// The methods allowed for each kind are:
	//	Int*, Uint*, Float*, Complex*: Bits
	//	Array: Elem, Len
	//	Chan: ChanDir, Elem
	//	Func: In, NumIn, Out, NumOut, IsVariadic.
	//	Map: Key, Elem
	//	Ptr: Elem
	//	Slice: Elem
	//	Struct: Field, FieldByIndex, FieldByName, FieldByNameFunc, NumField

	// Bits returns the size of the type in bits.
	// It panics if the type's Kind is not one of the
	// sized or unsized Int, Uint, Float, or Complex kinds.
	Bits() int

	// ChanDir returns a channel type's direction.
	// It panics if the type's Kind is not Chan.
	ChanDir() ChanDir

	// IsVariadic reports whether a function type's final input parameter
	// is a "..." parameter. If so, t.In(t.NumIn() - 1) returns the parameter's
	// implicit actual type []T.
	// For concreteness, if t represents func(x int, y ... float64), then
	//	t.NumIn() == 2
	//	t.In(0) is the reflect.Type for "int"
	//	t.In(1) is the reflect.Type for "[]float64"
	//	t.IsVariadic() == true
	// IsVariadic panics if the type's Kind is not Func.
	IsVariadic() bool

	// Elem returns a type's element type.
	// It panics if the type's Kind is not Array, Chan, Map, Ptr, or Slice.
	Elem() Type

	// Field returns a struct type's i'th field.
	// It panics if the type's Kind is not Struct.
	// It panics if i is not in the range [0, NumField()).
	Field(i int) StructField

	// FieldByIndex returns the nested field corresponding
	// to the index sequence. It is equivalent to calling Field
	// successively for each index i.
	// It panics if the type's Kind is not Struct.
	FieldByIndex(index []int) StructField

	// FieldByName returns the struct field with the given name
	// and a boolean indicating if the field was found.
	FieldByName(name string) (StructField, bool)

	// FieldByNameFunc returns the struct field with a name
	// that satisfies the match function and a boolean indicating if
	// the field was found.
	// FieldByNameFunc considers the fields in the struct itself
	// and then the fields in any anonymous structs, in breadth first order,
	// stopping at the shallowest nesting depth containing one or more
	// fields satisfying the match function. If multiple fields at that depth
	// satisfy the match function, they cancel each other
	// and FieldByNameFunc returns no match.
	// This behavior mirrors Go's handling of name lookup in
	// structs containing anonymous fields.
	FieldByNameFunc(match func(string) bool) (StructField, bool)

	// In returns the type of a function type's i'th input parameter.
	// It panics if the type's Kind is not Func.
	// It panics if i is not in the range [0, NumIn()).
	In(i int) Type

	// Key returns a map type's key type.
	// It panics if the type's Kind is not Map.
	Key() Type

	// Len returns an array type's length.
	// It panics if the type's Kind is not Array.
	Len() int

	// NumField returns a struct type's field count.
	// It panics if the type's Kind is not Struct.
	NumField() int

	// NumIn returns a function type's input parameter count.
	// It panics if the type's Kind is not Func.
	NumIn() int

	// NumOut returns a function type's output parameter count.
	// It panics if the type's Kind is not Func.
	NumOut() int

	// Out returns the type of a function type's i'th output parameter.
	// It panics if the type's Kind is not Func.
	// It panics if i is not in the range [0, NumOut()).
	Out(i int) Type

	common() *rtype
	uncommon() *uncommonType


// Value is the reflection interface to a Go value.
// Not all methods apply to all kinds of values. Restrictions,
// if any, are noted in the documentation for each method.
// Use the Kind method to find out the kind of value before
// calling kind-specific methods. Calling a method
// inappropriate to the kind of type causes a run time panic.
// The zero Value represents no value.
// Its IsValid method returns false, its Kind method returns Invalid,
// its String method returns "<invalid Value>", and all other methods panic.
// Most functions and methods never return an invalid value.
// If one does, its documentation states the conditions explicitly.
// A Value can be used concurrently by multiple goroutines provided that
// the underlying Go value can be used concurrently for the equivalent
// direct operations.
// Using == on two Values does not compare the underlying values
// they represent, but rather the contents of the Value structs.
// To compare two Values, compare the results of the Interface method.
type Value struct {
	// typ holds the type of the value represented by a Value.
	typ *rtype

	// Pointer-valued data or, if flagIndir is set, pointer to data.
	// Valid when either flagIndir is set or typ.pointers() is true.
	ptr unsafe.Pointer

	// flag holds metadata about the value.
	// The lowest bits are flag bits:
	//	- flagStickyRO: obtained via unexported not embedded field, so read-only
	//	- flagEmbedRO: obtained via unexported embedded field, so read-only
	//	- flagIndir: val holds a pointer to the data
	//	- flagAddr: v.CanAddr is true (implies flagIndir)
	//	- flagMethod: v is a method value.
	// The next five bits give the Kind of the value.
	// This repeats typ.Kind() except for method values.
	// The remaining 23+ bits give a method number for method values.
	// If flag.kind() != Func, code can assume that flagMethod is unset.
	// If ifaceIndir(typ), code can assume that flagIndir is set.

	// A method value represents a curried method invocation
	// like r.Read for some receiver r. The typ+val+flag bits describe
	// the receiver r, but the flag's Kind bits say Func (methods are
	// functions), and the top bits of the flag give the method number
	// in r's type's method table.

说明: reflect.ValueOf()与reflect.Value.Interface()刚好是一个相反操作, reflect.Value.Interface()返回interface{}类型,其容纳了reflect.Value的具体值。例如,

v := reflect.ValueOf(3)      // a reflect.Value
x := v.Interface()          // an interface{}
i := x.(int)               // an int
fmt.Printf("%d\n", i)     // "3"




6. 示例

6.1 一个任务队列的实现

package queue

import (

type MessageQueue struct{
	buffer *list.List
	lock    sync.Mutex
	popable *sync.Cond
	running bool

func CreateMsgQueue() *MessageQueue{
	msgQueue := &MessageQueue{
		buffer: list.New(),
		running: true,
	msgQueue.popable = sync.NewCond(&msgQueue.lock)
	return msgQueue

func (queue *MessageQueue)Close(){
	queue.running = false

func (queue *MessageQueue)IsRunning() bool{
	return queue.running

func (queue *MessageQueue)Pop()(*interface{}, int){
	length := 0

	for queue.buffer.Len() == 0{
		if queue.running{
			return nil, 0

	element := queue.buffer.Front()

	task := element.Value
	length = queue.buffer.Len()


	return &task, length

func (queue *TaskQueue)TryPop()(interface{}, bool){

	if queue.buffer.Len() > 0{
		element := queue.buffer.Front()
		task := element.Value

		return task, true

	return nil, false

 * returns current message count
func (queue *TaskQueue)Push(task interface{})int{
	length := 0

	if queue.buffer.Len() == 0{
	length = queue.buffer.Len()

	return length

func (queue *TaskQueue)Length()int{
	length := 0

	length = queue.buffer.Len()

	return length


package queue


func TestTaskQueuev1(t *testing.T){

	type Task_Work struct{
		name string
		content string

	taskQueue := CreateTaskQueue()
	work1 := Task_Work{
	work2 := Task_Work{

	outwork1, _:= taskQueue.Pop()
	if outwork1 != nil{
		outRealWork, ok := (*outwork1).(Task_Work)
		if !ok{
			fmt.Printf("not expected type\n")
		fmt.Printf("name: %s content: %s\n", outRealWork.name, outRealWork.content)


	outwork2, ok := taskQueue.TryPop()
	if ok{
		outRealWork2, ok := outwork2.(Task_Work)
		if !ok{
			fmt.Printf("not expected type\n")
		fmt.Printf("name: %s content: %s\n", outRealWork2.name, outRealWork2.content)

func TestMessageQueue(t *testing.T){
	type internalMessage struct {
		msgID int64
		msgContent string

	//wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
	msgQueue := CreateMsgQueue()

	go func(){
		for i:=0;i<5000;i++{
			internalMsg := internalMessage{
				msgID: int64(i+1),
				msgContent: "this is message #" + strconv.Itoa(i+1),

			if (i + 1) % 100 == 0{
				time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 300)


		msg, _:= msgQueue.Pop()
		if msg != nil{
			internalMsg, ok:= (*msg).(internalMessage)
			if !ok{
				fmt.Printf("[TestMessageQueue] unexpected message type\n")
			fmt.Printf("msgID: %d msgContent: %s\n", internalMsg.msgID, internalMsg.msgContent)
		}else if msgQueue.IsRunning() == false{
			fmt.Printf("[TestMessageQueue] message queue is not running now, exit the loop\n")

	fmt.Printf("[TestMessageQueue] exit message queue test\n")

6.2 带限速功能的队列

package service

import (

 * Description: Here we realize a throttle queue, which will limit the pop rate in a period(4s)

type ThrottleLimit func()int64

type ThrottleQueue struct{
	buffer *list.List
	lock    sync.Mutex
	popable *sync.Cond
	running bool

	tick int64
	throttle [MAX_THROTTLE_CNT]int64
	exitC chan struct{}
	wg sync.WaitGroup

	limitCallback ThrottleLimit

func CreateThrottleQueue(tlimit ThrottleLimit) *ThrottleQueue{
	queue := &ThrottleQueue{
		buffer: list.New(),
		running: true,
		tick: 0x0,
		exitC: make(chan struct{}),
		limitCallback: tlimit,
	queue.popable = sync.NewCond(&queue.lock)

	queue.throttle[queue.tick % MAX_THROTTLE_CNT] = queue.limitCallback()
	go queue.throttlePump()

	return queue

func (queue *ThrottleQueue)Close(){
	queue.running = false
	queue.exitC <- struct{}{}


func (queue *ThrottleQueue)throttlePump(){

	ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second * 4)
	defer func(){

			case <-ticker.C:
				limit := queue.limitCallback()
				if limit <= 0{
					logging.Warning("[throttlePump] current limit throttle is %d", limit)
				lastTick := queue.tick
				queue.throttle[queue.tick % MAX_THROTTLE_CNT] = limit
				if queue.buffer.Len() > 0 && queue.throttle[lastTick % MAX_THROTTLE_CNT] <= 0{
					queue.popable.Broadcast()     //most probably we should wakeup all
			case <-queue.exitC:
				break Loop
func (queue *ThrottleQueue)IsRunning() bool{
	return queue.running

func (queue *ThrottleQueue)Pop()(*interface{}, int){
	length := 0

	for queue.buffer.Len() == 0 || queue.throttle[queue.tick % MAX_THROTTLE_CNT] <= 0{
		if queue.running{
			return nil, 0

	queue.throttle[queue.tick % MAX_THROTTLE_CNT]--

	element := queue.buffer.Front()
	task := element.Value
	length = queue.buffer.Len()


	return &task, length

func (queue *ThrottleQueue)TryPop()(* interface{}, bool){

	if queue.buffer.Len() > 0 && queue.throttle[queue.tick % MAX_THROTTLE_CNT] > 0{
		queue.throttle[queue.tick % MAX_THROTTLE_CNT]--

		element := queue.buffer.Front()
		task := element.Value

		return &task, true

	return nil, false

 * returns current message count
func (queue *ThrottleQueue)Push(task interface{})int{
	length := 0

	if queue.buffer.Len() == 0 && queue.throttle[queue.tick % MAX_THROTTLE_CNT] > 0{
	length = queue.buffer.Len()

	return length

func (queue *ThrottleQueue)PeakAll()([] *interface{}){
	result := []*interface{}{}


	for e := queue.buffer.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next(){
		task := &e.Value
		result = append(result, task)
	return result

func (queue *ThrottleQueue)Length()int{
	length := 0

	length = queue.buffer.Len()

	return length

func (queue *MessageQueue)Clear()bool{

	for e := queue.buffer.Front(); e != nil; {
		next := e.Next()
		e = next


	return true

type MQClearCallback func(interface{}) bool
func (queue *MessageQueue)WithCallbackClear(callback MQClearCallback) bool{

	for e := queue.buffer.Front(); e != nil; {
		next := e.Next()
		e = next


	return true


package service

import (

type testInternalMessage struct{
	msgID int64
	msgContent string

func TestThrottleQueue(t *testing.T){
	throttleQueue := CreateThrottleQueue(func()int64{
		h := time.Now().Hour()
		return 0x0
		if h > 20 || h < 8{
			return 8
			return 4

	for i:=0;i<5000;i++{
		internalMsg := testInternalMessage{
			msgID: int64(i+1),
			msgContent: "this is message #" + strconv.Itoa(i+1),

		if (i + 1) % 100 == 0{
			time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 100)

	consumeMsgCnt := 0
		msg, _:= throttleQueue.Pop()
		if msg != nil{
			internalMsg, ok:= (*msg).(testInternalMessage)
			if !ok{
				fmt.Printf("[TestMessageQueue] unexpected message type\n")
				fmt.Printf("msgID: %d msgContent: %s\n", internalMsg.msgID, internalMsg.msgContent)
		}else if throttleQueue.IsRunning() == false{
			fmt.Printf("[TestMessageQueue] message queue is not running now, exit the loop\n")

		if consumeMsgCnt == 5000{
			fmt.Printf("popped out all the message, exit\n")

func produceMsg(throttleQueue *ThrottleQueue, exitC chan <- struct{}){
	for i:=0;i<5000;i++{
		internalMsg := testInternalMessage{
			msgID: int64(i+1),
			msgContent: "this is message #" + strconv.Itoa(i+1),

		if (i + 1) % 100 == 0{
			time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 800)

	exitC <- struct{}{}

func consumeMsg(throttleQueue *ThrottleQueue, wg *sync.WaitGroup){
	defer wg.Done()

		msg, _:= throttleQueue.Pop()
		if msg != nil{
			internalMsg, ok:= (*msg).(testInternalMessage)
			if !ok{
				fmt.Printf("[consumeMsg] unexpected message type\n")
				fmt.Printf("msgID: %d msgContent: %s\n", internalMsg.msgID, internalMsg.msgContent)
		}else if throttleQueue.IsRunning() == false{
			fmt.Printf("[consumeMsg] message queue is not running now, exit the loop\n")
func TestThrottleQueue2(t *testing.T){
	throttleQueue := CreateThrottleQueue(func()int64{
		h := time.Now().Hour()
		if h > 20 || h < 8{
			return 8
			return 4

	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
	produceFinC := make(chan struct{})

	go produceMsg(throttleQueue, produceFinC)
	for i:=0; i<5;i++{
		go consumeMsg(throttleQueue, &wg)

		case <-produceFinC:
			fmt.Printf("produce message finished\n")

	fmt.Printf("exit the test function\n")

func TestThrottleQueue_Exit(t *testing.T){
	throttleQueue := CreateThrottleQueue(func()int64{
		h := time.Now().Hour()
		if h > 20 || h < 8{
			return 8
			return 4

	wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
	go func(){
		defer wg.Done()
			msg, _:= throttleQueue.Pop()
			if msg != nil{
				internalMsg, ok:= (*msg).(testInternalMessage)
				if !ok{
					fmt.Printf("[consumeMsg] unexpected message type\n")
					fmt.Printf("msgID: %d msgContent: %s\n", internalMsg.msgID, internalMsg.msgContent)
			}else if throttleQueue.IsRunning() == false{
				fmt.Printf("[consumeMsg] message queue is not running now, exit the loop\n")

	time.Sleep(time.Second * 10)

	fmt.Printf("success exit the throttle queue\n")

7. 嵌套数组扁平化

package main
import "fmt"
type NestedInteger struct {
	IsInteger bool
	Value     int
	List      []*NestedInteger
type NestedIterator struct {
	FlattenedList []int // 扁平化后的列表
	Index         int   // 当前迭代位置的索引
func Constructor(nestedList []*NestedInteger) *NestedIterator {
	flattenedList := make([]int, 0)
	dfs(nestedList, &flattenedList)
	return &NestedIterator{FlattenedList: flattenedList, Index: -1}
// 使用深度优先搜索将嵌套列表扁平化
func dfs(nestedList []*NestedInteger, flattenedList *[]int) {
	for _, ni := range nestedList {
		if ni.IsInteger {
			*flattenedList = append(*flattenedList, ni.Value)
		} else {
			dfs(ni.List, flattenedList)
func (it *NestedIterator) HasNext() bool {
	return it.Index+1 < len(it.FlattenedList)
func (it *NestedIterator) Next() int {
	return it.FlattenedList[it.Index]
func main() {
	nestedList := []*NestedInteger{
			IsInteger: false,
			List: []*NestedInteger{
				&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 1},
				&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 2},
				&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 2},
			IsInteger: false,
			List: []*NestedInteger{
				&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 3},
				&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 4},
				&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 5},
				&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 6},
			IsInteger: false,
			List: []*NestedInteger{
				&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 6},
				&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 7},
				&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 8},
				&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 9},
					IsInteger: false,
					List: []*NestedInteger{
						&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 11},
						&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 12},
							IsInteger: false,
							List: []*NestedInteger{
								&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 12},
								&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 13},
									IsInteger: false,
									List: []*NestedInteger{
										&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 14},
		&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 10},

	iterator := Constructor(nestedList)
	result := make([]int, 0)
	for iterator.HasNext() {
		result = append(result, iterator.Next())

	// nestedList := []*NestedInteger{
	// 	&NestedInteger{IsInteger: false, List: []*NestedInteger{
	// 		&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 1},
	// 		&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 1},
	// 	}},
	// 	&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 2},
	// 	&NestedInteger{IsInteger: false, List: []*NestedInteger{
	// 		&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 1},
	// 		&NestedInteger{IsInteger: true, Value: 1},
	// 	}},
	// }
	// iterator := Constructor(nestedList)
	// result := make([]int, 0)
	// for iterator.HasNext() {
	// 	result = append(result, iterator.Next())
	// }
	// fmt.Println(result)
	// nestedList = []*NestedInteger{
	// 	&NestedInteger{true, 1, nil},
	// 	&NestedInteger{false, 0, []*NestedInteger{
	// 		&NestedInteger{true, 4, nil},
	// 		&NestedInteger{false, 0, []*NestedInteger{
	// 			&NestedInteger{true, 6, nil},
	// 		}},
	// 	}},
	// }
	// iterator = Constructor(nestedList)
	// result = make([]int, 0)
	// for iterator.HasNext() {
	// 	result = append(result, iterator.Next())
	// }
	// fmt.Println(result)
