
1. gperftools介绍


gperftools来源于Google Performance Tools,是目前我所见过的最快的malloc,能够搭配threads以及STL进行良好的工作。gperftools主要支持如下5个功能:

1.1 gperftools的安装


1) 下载gperftools-2.9.1


# mkdir gperftools-inst
# cd gperftools-inst/
# wget https://github.com/gperftools/gperftools/releases/download/gperftools-2.9.1/gperftools-2.9.1.tar.gz
# ls

# tar -zxvf gperftools-2.9.1.tar.gz 
# cd gperftools-2.9.1/
# ls
aclocal.m4  ChangeLog      config.guess  configure.ac  docs            install-sh  m4           missing   pprof-symbolize     src          vsprojects
AUTHORS     ChangeLog.old  config.sub    COPYING       gperftools.sln  libtool     Makefile.am  NEWS      README              test-driver
benchmark   compile        configure     depcomp       INSTALL         ltmain.sh   Makefile.in  packages  README_windows.txt  TODO


gperftools依赖于libunwind,官方建议我们安装新版的libunwind,因此这里我们可以到libunwind download下载libunwind-1.5.0版本:

# mkdir libunwind-inst
# cd libunwind-inst/
# wget --no-check-certificate https://download.savannah.gnu.org/releases/libunwind/libunwind-1.5.0.tar.gz

# ls
# tar -zxvf libunwind-1.5.0.tar.gz 
# cd libunwind-1.5.0/
# ls
acinclude.m4  AUTHORS    config     configure.ac  doc      INSTALL      Makefile.in  README  tests
aclocal.m4    ChangeLog  configure  COPYING       include  Makefile.am  NEWS         src     TODO


# mkdir /usr/local/libunwind-1.5.0
# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/libunwind-1.5.0
# make
# make install

# ls /usr/local/libunwind-1.5.0/
include  lib

2) 安装gperftools-2.9.1




# mkdir -p /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1
# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1 --enable-frame-pointers --enable-libunwind \
CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/local/libunwind-1.5.0/include LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/libunwind-1.5.0/lib

# make 
# make install
# ls /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/
bin  include  lib  share


# ls /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/bin -al
total 360
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   4096 Nov 28 02:07 .
drwxr-xr-x 6 root root   4096 Nov 28 02:07 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 178256 Nov 28 02:07 pprof
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 178256 Nov 28 02:07 pprof-symbolize

# /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/bin/pprof --version
pprof (part of gperftools 2.0)

Copyright 1998-2007 Google Inc.

This is BSD licensed software; see the source for copying conditions
and license information.
There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A


# file /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/bin/pprof
/usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/bin/pprof: Perl script, ASCII text executable

3) 将相应的目录添加到ld查找路径中






# ldconfig

# ldconfig -p | grep gperftools
        libtcmalloc_minimal_debug.so.4 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/lib/libtcmalloc_minimal_debug.so.4
        libtcmalloc_minimal_debug.so (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/lib/libtcmalloc_minimal_debug.so
        libtcmalloc_minimal.so.4 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/lib/libtcmalloc_minimal.so.4
        libtcmalloc_minimal.so (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/lib/libtcmalloc_minimal.so
        libtcmalloc_debug.so.4 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/lib/libtcmalloc_debug.so.4
        libtcmalloc_debug.so (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/lib/libtcmalloc_debug.so
        libtcmalloc_and_profiler.so.4 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/lib/libtcmalloc_and_profiler.so.4
        libtcmalloc_and_profiler.so (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/lib/libtcmalloc_and_profiler.so
        libtcmalloc.so.4 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/lib/libtcmalloc.so.4
        libtcmalloc.so (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/lib/libtcmalloc.so
        libprofiler.so.0 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/lib/libprofiler.so.0
        libprofiler.so (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/lib/libprofiler.so
# ldconfig -p | grep libunwind
        libunwind.so.8 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/libunwind-1.5.0/lib/libunwind.so.8
        libunwind.so (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/libunwind-1.5.0/lib/libunwind.so
        libunwind-x86_64.so.8 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/libunwind-1.5.0/lib/libunwind-x86_64.so.8
        libunwind-x86_64.so (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/libunwind-1.5.0/lib/libunwind-x86_64.so
        libunwind-setjmp.so.0 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/libunwind-1.5.0/lib/libunwind-setjmp.so.0
        libunwind-setjmp.so (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/libunwind-1.5.0/lib/libunwind-setjmp.so
        libunwind-ptrace.so.0 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/libunwind-1.5.0/lib/libunwind-ptrace.so.0
        libunwind-ptrace.so (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/libunwind-1.5.0/lib/libunwind-ptrace.so
        libunwind-coredump.so.0 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/libunwind-1.5.0/lib/libunwind-coredump.so.0
        libunwind-coredump.so (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/local/libunwind-1.5.0/lib/libunwind-coredump.so

2. TCMalloc: Thread-Caching Malloc

tcmalloc是Thread Cache malloc的缩写,号称比ptmalloc2(glibc 2.3内部所使用)更快的内存管理库。在一台2.8GHZ P4主机上,ptmalloc2大约要花费300ns来执行一对malloc/free操作,而tcmalloc执行同样的操作只需花费大约50ns。内存分配速率是malloc()实现时的一个重要方面,因为假如malloc()内存分配速率不够快,那么应用程序本身就得在malloc()的基础上构建自己的内存管理链。

对于多线程程序,tcmalloc也可以降低锁的竞争。对于小对象(small objects),可以实现无锁分配;针对大对象(large objects),tcmalloc使用更高效的spinlocks来实现。ptmalloc2也会通过per-thread arenas来降低锁竞争,但是这存在一个巨大的问题,ptmalloc2所分配的内存不能在arenas之间移动,这可能会造成巨大的空间浪费。

2.1 Usage


# LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/libtcmalloc.so" 

TCMalloc同时也包含heap checkerheap profiler功能。

假如在某些情况下(比如为了降低编译出的bin文件大小),你只想链接一个不含heap profilerheap checker功能的TCMalloc的话,那么你可以选择链接libtcmalloc_minimal即可。

2.2 Overview

TCMalloc会为每个线程指定一个thread-local cache。针对小对象的分配,直接使用thread-local cache即可满足。在必要的情况下,对象(objects)会从Central Heap移动到thread-local cache中,并且具有垃圾回收机制周期性的将thread-local cache所占用的内存归还给centrol heap。如下图所示:


TCMalloc会将<=256KB大小的对象作为small objects,其他作为large objects来处理。针对large objects,tcmalloc会使用page-level allocator直接从central heap中分配内存。

注:一个page是一块8K对其的内存,因此针对large object其总是页对齐的,并且会占用整数页大小的空间。

2.3 使用示例


2.3.1 运行一段时间就会正常退出的程序的性能分析


#include <gperftools/profiler.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void f()
    int i; 
    for (i=0; i<1024*1024; ++i)
        char *p = (char*)malloc(1024*1024*120);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    ProfilerStart("test.prof");            //开启性能分析
    ProfilerStop();                        //停止性能分析
    return 0; 



# gcc -o not_run_always not_run_always.c -I /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/include/ -L /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/lib/ -ltcmalloc -lprofiler
# ls
not_run_always  not_run_always.c


2) 运行not_run_always程序


# ldd ./not_run_always
        linux-vdso.so.1 =>  (0x00007ffe743fe000)
        libtcmalloc.so.4 => not found
        libprofiler.so.0 => not found
        libc.so.6 => /lib64/libc.so.6 (0x00007f38726fe000)
        /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 (0x00007f3872acc000)

# ./not_run_always 
PROFILE: interrupts/evictions/bytes = 15/0/1104

# ls
not_run_always  not_run_always.c  test.prof

注:此处用export LD_LIBRARY_PATH似乎一直出现问题。


3) 使用pprof命令进行分析


# /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/bin/pprof --text ./not_run_always ./test.prof 
Using local file ./not_run_always.
Using local file ./test.prof.
Total: 15 samples
       2  13.3%  13.3%       12  80.0% ::do_free_pages [clone .isra.15]
       2  13.3%  26.7%        2  13.3% SpinLock::Lock (inline)
       2  13.3%  40.0%        2  13.3% __GI_madvise
       2  13.3%  53.3%        5  33.3% tcmalloc::PageHeap::ReleaseAtLeastNPages
       1   6.7%  60.0%        1   6.7% SpinLock::Unlock (inline)
       1   6.7%  66.7%        3  20.0% TCMalloc_SystemRelease
       1   6.7%  73.3%        1   6.7% std::_Rb_tree_insert_and_rebalance
       1   6.7%  80.0%        1   6.7% std::_Rb_tree_rebalance_for_erase
       1   6.7%  86.7%        2  13.3% tcmalloc::PageHeap::AllocLarge
       1   6.7%  93.3%        1   6.7% tcmalloc::PageHeap::MergeIntoFreeList
       1   6.7% 100.0%        2  13.3% tcmalloc::PageHeap::PrependToFreeList
       0   0.0% 100.0%        2  13.3% ::do_malloc_pages
       0   0.0% 100.0%        2  13.3% SpinLockHolder (inline)
       0   0.0% 100.0%        1   6.7% _M_insert_ (inline)
       0   0.0% 100.0%        1   6.7% _M_insert_unique (inline)
       0   0.0% 100.0%       15 100.0% __libc_start_main
       0   0.0% 100.0%       15 100.0% _start
       0   0.0% 100.0%        3  20.0% do_allocate_full (inline)
       0   0.0% 100.0%        3  20.0% do_malloc (inline)
       0   0.0% 100.0%        1   6.7% do_malloc_pages
       0   0.0% 100.0%       15 100.0% f
       0   0.0% 100.0%       15 100.0% main
       0   0.0% 100.0%        1   6.7% std::_Rb_tree::_M_erase_aux (inline)
       0   0.0% 100.0%        1   6.7% std::_Rb_tree::erase[abi:cxx11] (inline)
       0   0.0% 100.0%        1   6.7% std::set::erase[abi:cxx11] (inline)
       0   0.0% 100.0%        1   6.7% std::set::insert (inline)
       0   0.0% 100.0%        1   6.7% tcmalloc::PageHeap::Carve
       0   0.0% 100.0%        3  20.0% tcmalloc::PageHeap::DecommitSpan
       0   0.0% 100.0%        3  20.0% tcmalloc::PageHeap::Delete
       0   0.0% 100.0%        5  33.3% tcmalloc::PageHeap::IncrementalScavenge
       0   0.0% 100.0%        2  13.3% tcmalloc::PageHeap::New
       0   0.0% 100.0%        3  20.0% tcmalloc::PageHeap::ReleaseSpan
       0   0.0% 100.0%        1   6.7% tcmalloc::PageHeap::RemoveFromFreeList
       0   0.0% 100.0%        3  20.0% tcmalloc::allocate_full_malloc_oom
       0   0.0% 100.0%        1   6.7% ~SpinLockHolder (inline)

下面我们介绍一下输出结果中每一列的含义,参考cpu profile。每行包含6列数据,依次为:

  • Number of profiling samples in this function

  • Percentage of profiling samples in this function

  • Percentage of profiling samples in the functions printed so far

  • Number of profiling samples in this function and its callees

  • Percentage of profiling samples in this function and its callees

  • Function name

4) 函数调用树形式的pdf分析报告


# /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/bin/pprof --pdf ./not_run_always ./test.prof > test.pdf
Using local file ./not_run_always.
Using local file ./test.prof.
sh: dot: command not found
sh: ps2pdf: command not found


5) 更多输出格式

pprof还支持输出更多格式,请参看pprof cpuprofile

2.3.2 一直运行的程序的性能分析


#include <gperftools/profiler.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <signal.h>

void signal_handler(int signo)
	static int profile_started = 0;
    signal(signo, signal_handler);
    printf("recv signal[%d]", signo);
        case SIGUSR1:
			if (!profile_started) {
				ProfilerStart("test.prof");            //开启性能分析
				ProfilerStop();                        //停止性能分析
			printf("Process recieve SIGUSR1");

void f()
    int i; 
    for (i=0; i<1024*1024; ++i)
        char *p = (char*)malloc(1024*1024*120);

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    signal(SIGUSR1, signal_handler);
    return 0; 


# kill -s SIGUSR1 PID               //第一次运行命令启动性能分析
# kill -s SIGUSR1 PID               //再次运行命令关闭性能分析,产生test.prof

3. 内存泄露检测

gperftools的heap checker组件可以用于检测C++ 程序中的内存泄露问题。要使用heap checker,总共分3步:

  • 链接 tcmalloc 库到应用程序中

  • 运行程序

  • 分析输出

1) 链接tcmalloc库

heapchecker是tcmalloc的一部分,所以为了在可执行程序中使用heap checker,在应用程序的链接阶段使用-ltcmalloc链接 tcmalloc库。

2) 运行代码

使用heap checker的推荐方式是完整程序运行模式,此时heap checker可以在程序的main()函数开始前跟踪内存分配,然后在程序退出时再次检查。如果它发现来了任何内存泄露,heap checker会直接终止程序(通过 exit(1)),并打印一条消息,告诉你接下来如何使用 pprof 来继续跟踪该内存泄露问题。

完整程序运行的 heap checker支持4种模式:

  • minimal:在程序初始化期间(即 main 函数运行前)不进行内存泄露检查

  • normal:正常模式,通过跟踪某块内存是否可以被 live object 来访问,来判断是否出现内存泄露

  • strict:类似于 normal 模式,但是对全局对象的内存泄露有一些额外的检查

  • draconian:在该模式下,只有所有申请的内存都被释放,才认为没有出现内存泄露


heap checker的另一种使用方法是检测指定代码块是否出现了内存泄露。为了实现这一点,需要在代码片段的开始部分创建一个 HeapLeakChecker结构体,并在结束部分调用NoLeaks()。例如:

HeapLeakChecker heap_checker("test_foo");
  code that exercises some foo functionality;
  this code should not leak memory;
if (!heap_checker.NoLeaks()) assert(NULL == "heap memory leak");

需要注意,添加HeapLeakChecker只是在程序中添加了内存泄露检测代码,为了真实地检测程序是否出现了内存泄露,仍然需要运行程序,并打开 heap-checker。

env HEAPCHECK=local your_program


当然,运行heap checker是有代价的。heap checker需要记录每次内存申请时的调用栈信息,这就导致了使用heap checke 时,程序需要消耗更多的内存,同时程序运行速度也更慢。另外,需要注意,由于heap checker内部使用了heap profile框架,所以不能同时运行heap checker和heap profile。

3) 忽略已知的内存泄露

对于已知的内存泄露,如果想让 heap checker 忽略这些内存泄露信息,可以在应用程序代码中添加中如下代码:

    HeapLeakChecker::Disabler disabler;
    <leaky code>

另一种方式是使用 IgnoreObject,它接收一个指针参数,对该参数所指向的对象将不再进行内存泄露检查.

4) 使用pprof查看内存泄露结果

heap checker 运行结束时会打印基本的泄露信息,包括调用栈和泄露对象的地址。除此之外,还可以使用 pprof 命令行工具来可视化地查看调用栈。

3.1 示例

接下来通过一个示例讲述如何使用 gperftools 的 heap checker 来发现程序的内存泄露问题。

1) 编写测试程序


// Copyright (C) fuchencong.com

#include <iostream>

int func() {
    int *p = new int(10);
    return 0;

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    std::cout << "memory leak test" << std::endl;
    return func();

2) 编译


# g++ -std=c++0x -g -o memory_leak memory_leak.cpp -L /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/lib/ -ltcmalloc
# ls
memory_leak  memory_leak.cpp

3) 运行程序

#  env HEAPCHECK=normal ./memory_leak
WARNING: Perftools heap leak checker is active -- Performance may suffer
memory leak test
Have memory regions w/o callers: might report false leaks
Leak check _main_ detected leaks of 4 bytes in 1 objects
The 1 largest leaks:
*** WARNING: Cannot convert addresses to symbols in output below.
*** Reason: Cannot find 'pprof' (is PPROF_PATH set correctly?)
*** If you cannot fix this, try running pprof directly.
Leak of 4 bytes in 1 objects allocated from:
        @ 4008ff 
        @ 400940 
        @ 7f5b859d2555 
        @ 400829 

If the preceding stack traces are not enough to find the leaks, try running THIS shell command:

pprof ./memory_leak "/tmp/memory_leak.28948._main_-end.heap" --inuse_objects --lines --heapcheck  --edgefraction=1e-10 --nodefraction=1e-10 --gv

If you are still puzzled about why the leaks are there, try rerunning this program with HEAP_CHECK_TEST_POINTER_ALIGNMENT=1 and/or with HEAP_CHECK_MAX_POINTER_OFFSET=-1
If the leak report occurs in a small fraction of runs, try running with TCMALLOC_MAX_FREE_QUEUE_SIZE of few hundred MB or with TCMALLOC_RECLAIM_MEMORY=false, it might help find leaks m
Exiting with error code (instead of crashing) because of whole-program memory leaks


# echo $PPROF_PATH
# ls /usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/bin/pprof

# export PPROF_PATH=/usr/local/gperftools-2.9.1/bin/pprof


#  env HEAPCHECK=normal ./memory_leak
WARNING: Perftools heap leak checker is active -- Performance may suffer
memory leak test
Have memory regions w/o callers: might report false leaks
Leak check _main_ detected leaks of 4 bytes in 1 objects
The 1 largest leaks:
Using local file ./memory_leak.
Leak of 4 bytes in 1 objects allocated from:
        @ 4008ff func
        @ 400940 main
        @ 7f3275673555 __libc_start_main
        @ 400829 _start

If the preceding stack traces are not enough to find the leaks, try running THIS shell command:

pprof ./memory_leak "/tmp/memory_leak.29850._main_-end.heap" --inuse_objects --lines --heapcheck  --edgefraction=1e-10 --nodefraction=1e-10 --gv

If you are still puzzled about why the leaks are there, try rerunning this program with HEAP_CHECK_TEST_POINTER_ALIGNMENT=1 and/or with HEAP_CHECK_MAX_POINTER_OFFSET=-1
If the leak report occurs in a small fraction of runs, try running with TCMALLOC_MAX_FREE_QUEUE_SIZE of few hundred MB or with TCMALLOC_RECLAIM_MEMORY=false, it might help find leaks m
Exiting with error code (instead of crashing) because of whole-program memory leaks


  1. gperftools GitHub

  2. gperftools wiki

  3. gperftools download

  4. 如何用gperftools分析深度学习框架的内存泄漏问题

  5. 利用Valgrind和gperftools解决内存问题

  6. TestGperftools

  7. 性能测试工具CPU profiler(gperftools)的使用心得

  8. 使用 gperftools 检测内存泄露

  9. gperftools性能测试工具介绍