
1. 前言


PG = Placement Group PGP = Placement Group for Placement purpose

pg_num = number of placement groups mapped to an OSD

When pg_num is increased for any pool, every PG of this pool splits into half, but they all remain mapped to their parent OSD.

Until this time, Ceph does not start rebalancing. Now, when you increase the pgp_num value for the same pool, PGs start to migrate from the parent to some other OSD, and cluster rebalancing starts. This is how PGP plays an important role.

By Karan Singh

以上是来自邮件列表的Karan Singh的PG和PGP的相关解释,他也是Learning Ceph和Ceph Cookbook的作者,以上的解释没有问题,我们来看下具体在集群里面的作用。

2. 实践


osd_crush_chooseleaf_type = 0


1) 创建测试需要的存储池


[root@lab8106 ceph]# ceph osd pool create testpool 6 6
pool 'testpool' created


[root@lab8106 ceph]# ceph pg dump pgs|grep ^1|awk '{print $1,$2,$15}'
dumped pgs in format plain
1.1 0 [3,6,0]
1.0 0 [7,0,6]
1.3 0 [4,1,2]
1.2 0 [7,4,1]
1.5 0 [4,6,3]
1.4 0 [3,0,4]

2) 写入对象


# rados -p testpool bench 20 write --no-cleanup


[root@lab8106 ceph]# ceph pg dump pgs|grep ^1|awk '{print $1,$2,$15}'
dumped pgs in format plain
1.1 75 [3,6,0]
1.0 83 [7,0,6]
1.3 144 [4,1,2]
1.2 146 [7,4,1]
1.5 86 [4,6,3]
1.4 80 [3,0,4]


2. 增加PG测试


[root@lab8106 ceph]# ceph osd pool set testpool pg_num 12
set pool 1 pg_num to 12


[root@lab8106 ceph]# ceph pg dump pgs|grep ^1|awk '{print $1,$2,$15}'
dumped pgs in format plain
1.1 37 [3,6,0]
1.9 38 [3,6,0]
1.0 41 [7,0,6]
1.8 42 [7,0,6]
1.3 48 [4,1,2]
1.b 48 [4,1,2]
1.7 48 [4,1,2]
1.2 48 [7,4,1]
1.6 49 [7,4,1]
1.a 49 [7,4,1]
1.5 86 [4,6,3]
1.4 80 [3,0,4]



  • 1.1的对象分成了两份[3,6,0]

  • 1.3的对象分成了三份[4,1,2]

  • 1.4的对象没有拆分[3,0,4]

结论: 增加PG会引起PG内的对象分裂,也就是在OSD上创建新的PG目录,然后进行部分对象的move的操作

3. 增加PGP测试


[root@lab8106 ceph]# ceph osd pool set testpool pgp_num 12
[root@lab8106 ceph]# ceph pg dump pgs|grep ^1|awk '{print $1,$2,$15}'
dumped pgs in format plain
1.a 49 [1,2,6]
1.b 48 [1,6,2]
1.1 37 [3,6,0]
1.0 41 [7,0,6]
1.3 48 [4,1,2]
1.2 48 [7,4,1]
1.5 86 [4,6,3]
1.4 80 [3,0,4]
1.7 48 [1,6,0]
1.6 49 [3,6,7]
1.9 38 [1,4,2]
1.8 42 [1,2,3]


*1.1 37 [3,6,0]          1.1 37 [3,6,0]*
1.9 38 [3,6,0]          1.9 38 [1,4,2]
*1.0 41 [7,0,6]          1.0 41 [7,0,6]*
1.8 42 [7,0,6]          1.8 42 [1,2,3]
*1.3 48 [4,1,2]          1.3 48 [4,1,2]*
1.b 48 [4,1,2]          1.b 48 [1,6,2]
1.7 48 [4,1,2]          1.7 48 [1,6,0]
*1.2 48 [7,4,1]          1.2 48 [7,4,1]*
1.6 49 [7,4,1]          1.6 49 [3,6,7]
1.a 49 [7,4,1]          1.a 49 [1,2,6]
*1.5 86 [4,6,3]          1.5 86 [4,6,3]*
*1.4 80 [3,0,4]          1.4 80 [3,0,4]*


结论: 调整PGP不会引起PG内的对象的分裂,但会引起PG的分布的变动。

4. 关于PG的分裂算法


 * stable_mod func is used to control number of placement groups.
 * similar to straight-up modulo, but produces a stable mapping as b
 * increases over time.  b is the number of bins, and bmask is the
 * containing power of 2 minus 1.
 * b <= bmask and bmask=(2**n)-1
 * e.g., b=12 -> bmask=15, b=123 -> bmask=127
static inline int ceph_stable_mod(int x, int b, int bmask)
	if ((x & bmask) < b)
		return x & bmask;
		return x & (bmask >> 1);

int pg_pool_t::calc_bits_of(int t)
	int b = 0;
	while (t > 0) {
		t = t >> 1;
	return b;

bool pg_t::is_split(unsigned old_pg_num, unsigned new_pg_num, set<pg_t> *children) const
	assert(m_seed < old_pg_num);
	if (new_pg_num <= old_pg_num)
		return false;
	bool split = false;
	if (true) {
		int old_bits = pg_pool_t::calc_bits_of(old_pg_num);
		int old_mask = (1 << old_bits) - 1;

		for (int n = 1; ; n++) {
			int next_bit = (n << (old_bits-1));     
			unsigned s = next_bit | m_seed;
			if (s < old_pg_num || s == m_seed)
			if (s >= new_pg_num)

			if ((unsigned)ceph_stable_mod(s, old_pg_num, old_mask) == m_seed) {
				split = true;
				if (children)
					children->insert(pg_t(s, m_pool, m_preferred));

	if (false) {
		// brute force
		int old_bits = pg_pool_t::calc_bits_of(old_pg_num);
		int old_mask = (1 << old_bits) - 1;

		for (unsigned x = old_pg_num; x < new_pg_num; ++x) {
			unsigned o = ceph_stable_mod(x, old_pg_num, old_mask);
			if (o == m_seed) {
				split = true;
				children->insert(pg_t(x, m_pool, m_preferred));

	return split;


  • 函数ceph_stable_mod(x, b, bmask):用于将x映射到(0,b)范围内,其中bmask是b的掩码。其与普通的取模运算相比,在b增加时,具有较低的数据迁移;而直接取模这种方式在扩容的时候迁移的数据量无法控制
设: pg 数为 a,需要将 pg 数扩容至 b, a 和 b 的最小公倍数为 d,某个对象的key值为 q
ca + e = q, e < a, q < d;
ub + v = q, v < b, q < d;
因为最小公倍数为 d, 如果 c != 0 && u != 0, 所以 ca != ub, 所以 e != v
当 c == u == 0的情况下, e == v,
所以需要迁移数据比例为: (d-a)/d

由此可以得到直接取模的方式无法控制迁移的数据量,例如 pg 数从 8 -> 12,直接取模的话需要迁移 (24 – 8) / 24 = 2/3 的数据。



  • 函数calc_bits_of(t): 用于计算t需要用多少个bit位来表示

  • 函数is_split():用于计算当PG数由old扩容至new时,当前PG所分裂出的子PG。这里用了一个比较巧妙的方法,就是保持PG的低比特位不变,对高位进行扩容。下面我们来分析一下前面举的扩容例子:

old_pg_num = 6, new_pg_num = 12,则old_bits =3, old_mask = 0b111

   next_bit = 1 << (3-1) = 4 = 0b100       //注:这里需要用(old_bits-1),因为old_bits位可能没有全部占满
   s = next_bit | m_seed = 0b100 | 0b001 = 0b101    //仍小于6,忽略

   next_bit = 2 << (3-1) = 8 = 0b1000
   s = next_bit | m_seed = 0b1000 | 0b0001 = 0b1001 = 9   //大于6小于12,符合

   next_bit = 3 << (3-1) = 12 = 0b1100
   s = next_bit | m_seed = 0b1100 | 0b0001 = 0b1101 = 13 //大于12,忽略

5. 总结

  • PG是指定存储池存储对象的目录有多少个,PGP是存储池PG的OSD分布组合个数;

  • PG的增加会引起PG内的数据进行分裂,分裂到相同的OSD上新生成的PG当中;

  • PGP的增加会引起部分PG的分布进行变化,但是不会引起PG内对象的变动;


  1. Ceph中PG和PGP的区别

  2. ceph 官网

  3. POOLS

  4. ceph-pg哈希分析