
1. 介绍


int main(int argc, char *argv[])

其中,argc表示命令行参数的个数; argv是一个指针数组,保存所有命令行字符串。而Linux进程名称是通过命令行参数argv[0]来表示的。

而我们可以通过char **environ这一系统定义的全局变量来访问操作系统环境变量。



1) 环境变量environ存放位置


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

extern char **environ;

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
   int i;

   for(i = 0;i<argc;i++)
        printf("0x%x : %s\n",argv[i], argv[i]);


   for(i = 0; environ[i] && i < 2; i++)
        printf("0x%x : %s\n",environ[i], environ[i]);  

   printf("\nargv: 0x%x  environ: 0x%x\n",argv, environ);
   for(i =0;i<argc+2;i++)
      printf("&argv[%d]: 0x%x\n",i,&argv[i]);

   return 0x0;



root@ubuntu:~/test-src# gcc -o test3 test3.c
root@ubuntu:~/test-src# ./test3 date=2017-10-26
0xbfd1f84e : ./test2
0xbfd1f856 : date=2017-10-26

0xbfd1f866 : XDG_SESSION_ID=1
0xbfd1f877 : SHELL=/bin/bash

argv: 0xbfd1e954  environ: 0xbfd1e960
&argv[0]: 0xbfd1e954
&argv[1]: 0xbfd1e958
&argv[2]: 0xbfd1e95c
&argv[3]: 0xbfd1e960



2) 程序proctitle


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
    char cmd[128]={0};
    const char proctitle[] = "just for test";
    char *title2 = "hello, new title";

    pid_t id = getpid();

    sprintf(cmd,"ps -aux | awk '{ if ($2 == %d) print $0}'",id);

    printf("cmd: %s\n\n",cmd);




    argv[0] = title2;
    printf("\nargv[0]: %s\n",argv[0]);

    return 0;


[root@localhost test-src]# gcc -o test4 test4.c
[root@localhost test-src]# ./test4
cmd: ps -aux | awk '{ if ($2 == 52608) print $0}'

root      52608  0.0  0.0   4160   340 pts/2    S+   19:19   0:00 ./test4
root      52608  0.0  0.0   4160   340 pts/2    S+   19:19   0:00 just for test

argv[0]: hello, new title
root      52608  0.0  0.0   4160   340 pts/2    S+   19:19   0:00 just for test

通过上述运行结果,程序proctitle存放于argv[0]初始指向的位置, 后续手动更改argv[0]指向位置是不会更改proctitle的。


2. nginx修改进程title思路


 * To change the process title in Linux and Solaris we have to set argv[1]
 * to NULL and to copy the title to the same place where the argv[0] points to.
 * However, argv[0] may be too small to hold a new title.  Fortunately, Linux
 * and Solaris store argv[] and environ[] one after another.  So we should
 * ensure that is the continuous memory and then we allocate the new memory
 * for environ[] and copy it.  After this we could use the memory starting
 * from argv[0] for our process title.
 * The Solaris's standard /bin/ps does not show the changed process title.
 * You have to use "/usr/ucb/ps -w" instead.  Besides, the UCB ps does not
 * show a new title if its length less than the origin command line length.
 * To avoid it we append to a new title the origin command line in the
 * parenthesis.

2.1 初始化函数


extern char **environ;

static char *ngx_os_argv_last;

ngx_init_setproctitle(ngx_log_t *log)
    u_char      *p;
    size_t       size;
    ngx_uint_t   i;

    size = 0;

    for (i = 0; environ[i]; i++) {
        size += ngx_strlen(environ[i]) + 1;

    p = ngx_alloc(size, log);
    if (p == NULL) {
        return NGX_ERROR;

    ngx_os_argv_last = ngx_os_argv[0];

    for (i = 0; ngx_os_argv[i]; i++) {
        if (ngx_os_argv_last == ngx_os_argv[i]) {
            ngx_os_argv_last = ngx_os_argv[i] + ngx_strlen(ngx_os_argv[i]) + 1;

    for (i = 0; environ[i]; i++) {
        if (ngx_os_argv_last == environ[i]) {

            size = ngx_strlen(environ[i]) + 1;
            ngx_os_argv_last = environ[i] + size;

            ngx_cpystrn(p, (u_char *) environ[i], size);
            environ[i] = (char *) p;
            p += size;


    return NGX_OK;

结合上面的图,该段代码的主要功能就是: 将紧接着argv后面的环境变量environ拷贝到新的空间中。具体过程如下:

1. 求出environ长度并分配新的空间

2. 求出argv最后一个参数的末尾位置

3. 如果environ仅跟在argv最后一个参数末尾位置后,则条件ngx_os_argv_last == environ[i]成立,此时会将

4. ngx_os_argv_last最后指向用于存放参数的最后一个位置(注意:从源代码可以看出,*ngx_os_argv_last值为0,

2.2 具体的设置title函数


ngx_setproctitle(char *title)
    u_char     *p;


    ngx_int_t   i;
    size_t      size;


    ngx_os_argv[1] = NULL;

    p = ngx_cpystrn((u_char *) ngx_os_argv[0], (u_char *) "nginx: ",
                    ngx_os_argv_last - ngx_os_argv[0]);

    p = ngx_cpystrn(p, (u_char *) title, ngx_os_argv_last - (char *) p);


    size = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < ngx_argc; i++) {
        size += ngx_strlen(ngx_argv[i]) + 1;

    if (size > (size_t) ((char *) p - ngx_os_argv[0])) {

         * ngx_setproctitle() is too rare operation so we use
         * the non-optimized copies

        p = ngx_cpystrn(p, (u_char *) " (", ngx_os_argv_last - (char *) p);

        for (i = 0; i < ngx_argc; i++) {
            p = ngx_cpystrn(p, (u_char *) ngx_argv[i],
                            ngx_os_argv_last - (char *) p);
            p = ngx_cpystrn(p, (u_char *) " ", ngx_os_argv_last - (char *) p);

        if (*(p - 1) == ' ') {
            *(p - 1) = ')';


    if (ngx_os_argv_last - (char *) p) {
        ngx_memset(p, NGX_SETPROCTITLE_PAD, ngx_os_argv_last - (char *) p);

    ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_CORE, ngx_cycle->log, 0,
                   "setproctitle: \"%s\"", ngx_os_argv[0]);


1. 设置argv[1]为NULL

2. 拷贝"nginx: "到ngx_os_argv[0]

3. 追加上title到ngx_os_argv上

4. 如果是NGX_SOLARIS操作系统,如果原先proctitle的长度大于当前strlen("nginx: "+title)值的话,则将原来的proctitle放在

5. 后续填充空格

3. ngx_setproctitle相关源文件


1) 头文件ngx_setproctitle.h

 * Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev
 * Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc.



/* FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD */

#define ngx_init_setproctitle(log) NGX_OK
#define ngx_setproctitle(title)    setproctitle("%s", title)




#define NGX_SETPROCTITLE_PAD       ' '

ngx_int_t ngx_init_setproctitle(ngx_log_t *log);
void ngx_setproctitle(char *title);


#define NGX_SETPROCTITLE_PAD       '\0'

ngx_int_t ngx_init_setproctitle(ngx_log_t *log);
void ngx_setproctitle(char *title);


#define ngx_init_setproctitle(log) NGX_OK
#define ngx_setproctitle(title)

#endif /* OSes */





2) 源文件ngx_setproctitle.c

 * Copyright (C) Igor Sysoev
 * Copyright (C) Nginx, Inc.

#include <ngx_config.h>
#include <ngx_core.h>


 * To change the process title in Linux and Solaris we have to set argv[1]
 * to NULL and to copy the title to the same place where the argv[0] points to.
 * However, argv[0] may be too small to hold a new title.  Fortunately, Linux
 * and Solaris store argv[] and environ[] one after another.  So we should
 * ensure that is the continuous memory and then we allocate the new memory
 * for environ[] and copy it.  After this we could use the memory starting
 * from argv[0] for our process title.
 * The Solaris's standard /bin/ps does not show the changed process title.
 * You have to use "/usr/ucb/ps -w" instead.  Besides, the UCB ps does not
 * show a new title if its length less than the origin command line length.
 * To avoid it we append to a new title the origin command line in the
 * parenthesis.

extern char **environ;

static char *ngx_os_argv_last;

ngx_init_setproctitle(ngx_log_t *log)
    u_char      *p;
    size_t       size;
    ngx_uint_t   i;

    size = 0;

    for (i = 0; environ[i]; i++) {
        size += ngx_strlen(environ[i]) + 1;

    p = ngx_alloc(size, log);
    if (p == NULL) {
        return NGX_ERROR;

    ngx_os_argv_last = ngx_os_argv[0];

    for (i = 0; ngx_os_argv[i]; i++) {
        if (ngx_os_argv_last == ngx_os_argv[i]) {
            ngx_os_argv_last = ngx_os_argv[i] + ngx_strlen(ngx_os_argv[i]) + 1;

    for (i = 0; environ[i]; i++) {
        if (ngx_os_argv_last == environ[i]) {

            size = ngx_strlen(environ[i]) + 1;
            ngx_os_argv_last = environ[i] + size;

            ngx_cpystrn(p, (u_char *) environ[i], size);
            environ[i] = (char *) p;
            p += size;


    return NGX_OK;

ngx_setproctitle(char *title)
    u_char     *p;


    ngx_int_t   i;
    size_t      size;


    ngx_os_argv[1] = NULL;

    p = ngx_cpystrn((u_char *) ngx_os_argv[0], (u_char *) "nginx: ",
                    ngx_os_argv_last - ngx_os_argv[0]);

    p = ngx_cpystrn(p, (u_char *) title, ngx_os_argv_last - (char *) p);


    size = 0;

    for (i = 0; i < ngx_argc; i++) {
        size += ngx_strlen(ngx_argv[i]) + 1;

    if (size > (size_t) ((char *) p - ngx_os_argv[0])) {

         * ngx_setproctitle() is too rare operation so we use
         * the non-optimized copies

        p = ngx_cpystrn(p, (u_char *) " (", ngx_os_argv_last - (char *) p);

        for (i = 0; i < ngx_argc; i++) {
            p = ngx_cpystrn(p, (u_char *) ngx_argv[i],
                            ngx_os_argv_last - (char *) p);
            p = ngx_cpystrn(p, (u_char *) " ", ngx_os_argv_last - (char *) p);

        if (*(p - 1) == ' ') {
            *(p - 1) = ')';


    if (ngx_os_argv_last - (char *) p) {
        ngx_memset(p, NGX_SETPROCTITLE_PAD, ngx_os_argv_last - (char *) p);

    ngx_log_debug1(NGX_LOG_DEBUG_CORE, ngx_cycle->log, 0,
                   "setproctitle: \"%s\"", ngx_os_argv[0]);



  1. Linux修改进程名称(setproctitle())

  2. Linux修改进程名称

  3. nginx多进程模型之热代码平滑升级